Customized Nanny Services
Over 30 Years· Serving · 49 States

What to look for in a Nanny - What makes a good Nanny!

When looking for the perfect Nanny, experience, training and affiliated with a reputable agency should be important. For all the reason you need a Nanny, there are many traits that make a good nanny.

Looking for a Nanny can be overwhelming, unless you use Nanny Poppinz of course. At Nanny Poppinz we handle all of the important details such as back ground checks, Nanny interviews, references are checked, insuring they are CPR certified, families have positive experiences and many more proprietary ways we decide what makes a good nanny but what you may want to consider are some of the following:

Find out what makes a good Nanny when you are looking for a Nanny

1. Understanding what is most important to you: Make a list of what is the ideal Nanny for your needs. There are alot of things to consider like, bilingual, close to you, what you are willing to pay for the best and what type of Nanny services you are in need of. Do you need a part time nanny, full time nanny, live in nanny and so on. See also - How To Find a Full time Nanny

2. Feeling comfortable with your decisions: We feel it is best to use a Nanny referral agency when you are unsure of what makes a good Nanny. Before you ever meet the Nanny you should expect the Nanny has been interviewed and checked by a reputable agency. This should be a very important part of your decision so you feel comfortable . The Nanny Agency will have identified the important traits to what makes a good Nanny and you will only be referred the best. You pay a bit more but you do not have to do all the work which in the long run can cost alot more. This is big plus!

In fact, at Nanny Poppinz we understand what makes a good Nanny and if for any reason you are not satisfied we offer a 6 month free replacement! That makes great agency!

3. Are you ready for the interview! - You have contacted a professional agency (Nanny Poppinz of course :-) and now it is your turn to present the questions and needs for your Nanny or childcare situation. Are you looking for/want:

  1.  a Nanny for your family, child or even for eldercare
  2.  Is the Nanny CPR certified
  3.  good with kids
  4.  clean and not messy
  5.  caring, loving and patient
  6.  respectful of your wants and needs
  7.  to do things the way you want them and abide by your rules and not only theirs
  8.  do they pay attention to the small things

There are many traits that make a good nanny and at Nanny Poppinz it is our main goal and we are dedictated to having the best Nannies that we refer to each and every family and person in need of Nanny services. At Nanny Poppinz our Nanny background and employment reference checks are the most thorough in the Nanny industry. We check ALL references and do ALL background checks and personally interview each Nanny BEFORE a Nanny Poppinz™ Nanny is sent to you.

For a Full List of all of our Nanny Referral Services:

Nanny Referral Services