Customized Nanny Services
Over 30 Years· Serving · 49 States

Night Newborn Specialists

A Night Newborn Care Specialists comes into the home from 9 or 10 at night until 6 or 8 in the morning to tend to the baby so that the parents can, sleep.

A Night Newborn Care Specialist will stay in the baby's room, feed the baby, burp the baby and settle the baby back down. A night nurse could offer a wonderful reprieve for couples with multiples, a sick baby, or special circumstances, but, for the most part, these are healthy couples (one or both parents home on maternity leave) with healthy babies.

What are the benefits of having overnight care?
Lack of sleep deprivation. Often when a person is sleep deprived, they become frustrated and anxious. If a mom is tired, frustrated and anxious it can lead to a decreased rate of breastfeeding successfully, decreased rate of early bonding between mother & baby and an increased risk of postpartum depression. Having an overnight newborn care service will give mom the rest she needs to alleviate these issues. In addition, having mom well-rested makes for a happier family as a whole!

Will I have the same Newborn Care Specialists every night?
We try to keep the same Newborn Care Specialists into a home as much possible. Because each Newborn care specialist does not work every night, if you have 3-6 nights a week you will be acclimated with more than one Newborn care specialist. We schedule this way so that the Nannies are well-rested when they come into your home.

Do I have to commit to a minimum number of nights?
No. you may pick as many nights as you want.

Do I have to commit to a minimum number of weeks?
No. you can have the service for 1 week or 1 year. It is up to you.

Once we begin the service, how far in advance do you need to know the schedule?
We are available to our clients 24/7 and will work with your schedule as you need us.

Can the number of nights we have service vary each week?

Are all the Newborn childcare specialist trained to care for multiples?
Yes we do have some Newborn care specialists that are trained and have experience caring for multiples, but they are in high demand, so book them as far in advance as possible to help you with the baby.

Are you insured?
Yes we carry $2 million dollars worth of general liability coverage

What types of screening to you perform on the Newborn Care Specialists?
All of the Newborn care specialists have been screened thoroughly with two types of background checks a National Criminal History, a Local Criminal History, Sexual Offender Database Check performed by an independent private company. In addition to background checks, Newborn care specialists references are called and thoroughly questioned about the Newborn care specialists performance as an Newborn care specialists.

Are the Night Newborn Care Specialists considered baby night nurses?
Although the care we provide to you and your baby is much like the care provided by a nurse, we are not considered baby night nurses because we do not require our Newborn care specialists to have nursing degrees.

How far in advance should I register?
It is a good idea to register 8-10 weeks before your 40 week due date. If you are signing on after the baby is born, please call to check for availability.

Will I have to sign an agreement?
Yes we enter into an agreement with all families.

How often do you bill?
We bill clients on a weekly basis.

What forms of payment do you accept?
We accept credit cards, VISA, MASTERCARD and DISCOVER card.

Is it possible to have a Newborn Care Specialists come earlier in the evening or stay later in the morning?
Yes however, we require advance notice for such requests.

What is the cost to have a Newborn Care Specialists to come to my home?
Newborn Care Specialists earn a minimum of $25 for one child and $30 per hour for twins

Do you offer gift certificates?
Yes please call or fill out the Contact Us form to purchase.

What is the cancellation policy?
You must notify us at least 24 hours in advance if you are canceling a night.